Jan 242012

It’s not too often that I get to see something new, but last night was one for the books.

We got some snow yesterday, and it was enough for Rick to start up the snowblower to clean it up.  Poor guy had worked all day and it was dark out, but luckily there’s a headlight on the thing so he could see what he was doing.

As I’m watching him clear the area by a couple of the bird feeders outside the bedroom window, I notice something in the Squirrel Buster that wasn’t… normal.

It wasn’t a bird and it wasn’t the normal crazy squirrels that I’m used to.  And it didn’t move when Rick approached it.

Seeing this, I thought that it might be caught in the feeder so I grabbed my coat and flashlight and headed outside to see what was going on.  This was weird.

When I got to the feeder this is what I saw:

(Not my photo… wish it was.)


I got about a foot away from this critter and it didn’t budge.  It just looked at me like “Um, lady, you’re interrupting my dinner here.”  After a couple minutes, I won the standoff and it jumped onto the tree and out of sight.

Come to find out that we have flying squirrels up here in the Northwoods.  I’ll be damned!  Now I’m sure that others from these parts will probably say that yep, they’re common, but I’ve never seen one in my 11 years up here.

But it was pretty darn cool, I have to say.

Guess I can check that one off the Bucket List.


  13 Responses to “Well, That’s a New Critter”

Comments (13)
  1. I never would have thought they were here, much less up there!!! Hopefully your snotty red squirrel doesn’t chase it off! I haven’t seen ours yet this year (the red), so the other squirrels are getting their fill of spilled bird food now before she comes to rule the roost!

  2. Very cool! I just saw a BLACK squirrel for the first time when we were up in Hayward last summer!

  3. Same here Dee, the first time I saw a black squirrel was after we moved up here. I had to do a double-take when I saw it!

  4. I think you brought up your red squirrel to live with us. It’s a pest!

  5. You can keep the red-furred little bitch! 😉 lol Or, you know, Thor could have a little snackie-poo…. 😉

  6. I think I’ll just send it back with you next time, Thor doesn’t need any more snacks 😉

  7. Dee, I saw my first albino squirrel here in Lakeville last summer. My friend lives about 4 blocks away, and apparently it lives in her trees, but hasn’t seen it lately. 🙁

  8. Maybe he can use it as another toy? But then you wouldn’t want that under your bed…

  9. No, definitely NOT under my bed 😉

  10. We had them a couple years ago. They are awsome. It was like a commando squad the way they came in. One after another they quietly sailed to a tree then scurried up it and sailed to the next. One after another until they got to the trees with the corn cob feeders on them. They ate and left the same way. I thought we were having some kind of strange bat invasion at first.

  11. I think I would freak out if one came flying at me!

  12. We do indeed have flying squirrels up here- we actually raised a couple of orphaned babies in the house for a while, some years back, and they are amazing, the way they glide across the room, and climb everything (and everyone), because these were raised with us, they would climb up and sit on our shoulders and heads. we actually rigged up a little ‘tree’ for them inside for a while, it was the best entertainment just watching them!

  13. I’d love to see pictures sometime if you have any!

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