I love getting suggestions from people on how to use everyday objects that are intended for one thing but can also be used for something that is so far removed from the original idea that the inventor had when they thought up the product.
So when Kay (Hi Kay! ) sent an email with these examples, I felt the need to pass them on because they take the “Duh” factor to a whole new level.
I can only imagine that this was related to this post, and I have to say I love it! I have both of these items and when I do corn next year I’m trying it out and will let you know how it works!
Did anybody else do a head slap when they saw this? I’m so giving these out as Christmas gifts this year.
Now I know what to do with all the cupcake pans I have.
When I saw this I immediately thought of Nichole. She’s always making pancakes for the kids, and this would be a great way to have them “help” her!
This one belongs in every survivalist handbook on the planet. “No kindling? No dry wood? No problem! Light up a couple of Doritos and you’ll have a roaring fire in no time!”
Found some neat ideas of your own? Share them on my Facebook page so everybody can enjoy them
2 Responses to “The Key to Survival May Depend on Doritos”
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I just found out about the Doritos myself, totally cool! And I have a ton of kid’s pants hangers, may use that one, and the ketchup/~sandyrooney~sandyrooney~sandyrooney~sandyrooneypancake bottle? Genius!
Genius is right!