Aug 232011

After so many years of drought, I’m really glad that we were able to get rain this summer.

But, it’s getting a little out of hand, Mother Nature.

No, no, I’m not complaining (much), it’s just that it’s not the nice, pleasant rain that I would prefer to get.  It’s the torrential downpours that are getting a little old.

Yes, we need to replenish what we lost over those few years of less-than sufficient moisture.  I understand that and I welcome it.  It’s just that I’m sick of my yard turning into a lake every few days.

Heck, I couldn’t even get into my garden tonight without a boat!

But as with all things, I have to remember the calm after those storms. Which, by the way, are quite beautiful up here in the Northwoods.

So, Mother Nature, can we hold off on the thunder bummers on Saturday?  You know, so the weather will be as beautiful as the wedding will be?

Thanks for your consideration.

Your friend,

The Mother of the Bride.

  4 Responses to “Rain, Rain… Enough Already!”

Comments (4)
  1. LOL…Mother of the Bride, guess that make me Father of the Bride? Getting a little nervous are we. Everything will be alright. Just to make sure, I am gonna bring my shotgun with. We will get through this…LOL, come hell or high water!!!! GGGaarrruunnntteed!

  2. Oooooooo! A shotgun wedding!

    Wait a minute… It’s a BB Gun!!

  3. Yes, NO RAIN! And you guys are awesomely amazing parents! <3

  4. I just checked the weather for Saturday, looks all good! 76 and sun 🙂

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