There are so many things that I love about living in this neck of the woods, but as with all things in life, there are certain aspects that I don’t particularly care for.
Pro: My perennials are coming back to life and I will have the next few months of beautiful blossoms in my yard.
Con: The weeds are popping up everywhere and I will be spending every free minute for the next few months trying to keep them under control.
Pro: It’s starting to get light out when I wake up at 5;45 am on a weekday and don’t have to walk blindly into the kitchen to get my coffee.
Con: It’s starting to get light out at 5:45 am on weekends and Calie starts slapping me in the head telling me she wants to be fed.
Pro: There is little humidity.
Con: I love the humidity and need it to soak into my bones and warm me up from the winter.
Pro: There are no mosquitoes.
Con: There are woodticks galore.
Pro: The temperatures are starting to climb and bring with it a warm breeze.
Con: The mornings are still cold enough that it’s hard to pick out clothing that you won’t be sweating your arse off in by 11 a.m.
Pro: The woodburner is retired for the summer.
Con: The furnace may need to be turned on for a few minutes in the morning to take off the chill in the house.
Pro: It is not Winter.
Con: We will spend the summer getting prepared for Winter.
Pro: I don’t have those pesky squirrels going at my bird feeders.
Con: I am on constant “bear alert” when I am working outside.
Pro: I get to be outdoors and work in my gardens because the snow is gone.
Con: I can’t just veg behind my computer screen because the snow is gone and I have tons of stuff to do outside.
Pro: No more snowmobiles roaring up and down the street.
Con: Tourists and their 4-Wheelers roaring up and down the street.
Pro: I can start planning on what veggies I want to put in my gardens.
Con: I can’t plant my gardens yet because there is always the chance of frost until June.
Yep, I’d say that it evens itself out pretty good.
I’d love to hear your “pros and cons” list for your neck of the woods (or city, burb, country road). Send me an email and next week I’ll dedicate a post to what y’all have to say about the fine month of May. Make sure you put “Pros and Cons List” in the subject line so that if it ends up in my junk mail, I can save it from being deleted.
4 Responses to “Pros and Cons of May in the Northwoods”
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Thing that makes me the most mad is the squirrels/~sandyrooney~sandyrooney~sandyrooney~sandyrooneychipmunks digging my seeds out of the planting boxes!
I’m sure that you could come up with a great pros and cons list. It would be hilarious!
I too have weeds to pull. I just walked back by the raspberry bushes and they are thriving! But I need to pull the weeds around them before they choke the babies off. And my wild catnip is growing like crazy!
I pulled a couple small branches off for Fred and Beamer and they love me lol
Well of course they loved you!