Because it’s Thursday and my creative wit has flown the coop, I present to you the color yellow.
1. When the brown days of fall move closer to the winter months, a yellow maple leaf can certainly be a cheerful sight. It’s bright! It’s sunny! You can press it and pull it out anytime you need a pick-me-up.
Next year I am plastering the inside of my house with them. That will certainly take care of the winter blahs.
2. I don’t look good in yellow. I’m pale because of my European heritage, so it makes me look anemic.
3. I was forced to wear a yellow T-shirt for a golf tournament one year. Apparently my friend thought it would be a “sunny” color. I shot her the stink-eye all day. She bought me a beer. I let her live.
4. Yellow is not a good color on snow. It is a pee-mail that translates to “Rover was here, pizza at his house at 9.”
5. Yellow popsicle’s taste like bananas, which are also yellow. Thank goodness, because if they tasted like zucchini, that would be a marketing nightmare.
Have yourself a wonderful Yellow Day.
And please, don’t disturb the yellow snow.
It might be an important message.
I’ll take some off your hands. I miss the fall colors. I have year round only 2 colors. Brown and dusty green. Sometimes I get spotted dusty green, but the sky must spit first. (Arizonans call it rain).
Yellow is a icky color indeed! Not only won’t I wear it, but I won’t eat the fake banana tasting foods, either. Ew.
P.s. Happy 29th birthday!!!!!!!!
Sky spit… I like that.
29! Your not 29! We figured out your age this morning….
Happy Birthday, Baby!