No update this week on the studio building because nothing got done to it.
Due to circumstances beyond Rick’s control, he needed to stick close to the computer this weekend. So instead of freezing his buns off outside, he tinkered with other things in the warm confines of the house.
One of those things being the bread slicer we bought this summer.
He was finally able to get it lugged in the house (the damn thing weighs 10 tons) and finished putting the pieces back together from when he tore it apart for cleaning last weekend.
Please notice that there is a loaf of bread at the ready for the christening of this machine.
I am proud to report that the bread was sliced to perfection and therefore the machine has proven that it is up to the task that we bought it for and can take it’s rightful place in our kitchen.
Thank gawd too, because Rick sure didn’t want to move it again.
2 Responses to “It May Not Be Pretty, But It Does The Job”
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Yahoo! Never have to slice another loaf of bread by hand
Now it has to start paying for itself!