Oct 242011
It’s been a tough week, but I think we’ve finally got it figured out.
“It”, is where to hang the Squirrel Buster.
Instead of seeing this all the time because we didn’t have it far enough away from the tree…
…we get to see this.
It’s sooooo good to see the Nuthatches, Chickadees and Woodpeckers again.
Well, I did see them this summer, but not like this. Actually staying still for a nanosecond so I could enjoy them.
I might able to get through the upcoming winter after all with a little bit of sanity.
Well, as much as a person can with 4 tons of snow and temperatures in the subarctic range.
I’ll just wing it.
4 Responses to “Fair Feathered Friends”
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The cold weather can go back where it came from. But glad the ninja squirrels can’t get your feeder now!
It’s so funny watching them. They’re baffled… and pissed!
Yahoo! So glad they aren’t able to get to it now. Love the picture btw, so crisp and clear! Must be your birthday present