It was a busy weekend on the homestead, which really isn’t anything new.
What is new was the delivery of this on Friday:
That collection of wood and cement blocks will form the foundation of my new studio that Rick is building for me, so I can have my own creative space to make my jewelry.
Having to live with the letdown from our town council not allowing us to built on a couple of the lots we bought across the street, we had to decide if there was a suitable area on our original lots.
And in order to do this, we (meaning Rick) had to frame out the areas that looked like possibilities.
Once a suitable site was chosen it was time for him to slap on his pouch and start building.
And the only place to start is with the foundation.
And my carpenter-turned-computer-nerd didn’t waste any time getting the framework set and floor in place.
We are going to try to build the rest of the building with recycled/repurposed materials if possible. We have some wood, siding and a door, but are still looking for more materials like framing wood, windows, etc., that we can acquire through Freecycle, auctions, and perhaps any of you that live close to us and may have some stuff laying around.
Needless to say, this is going to be a work-in-progress for… well, as long as it takes. I’ll give updates along the way and “shout-out’s” to all the wonderful people that contribute time/materials.
On top of that, Ricing Season started on Saturday. Since I had other plans for the day, Rick invited our good friend Maynard (Hi Maynard! ) out on the water for the first day of harvest. They hit 3 bodies of water and came home with a couple sacks of wet rice. It’s a nice start and I’m hoping that I will have the opportunity to get out and collect this season with him.
And what kind of fun was I having while all of this was going on? Canning salsa. Lots and lots of salsa. About 3 gallons worth that should get the family through until next summer.
At least I’m hoping it will. I may have to ration it just to be on the safe side.
4 Responses to “Creative Space”
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Very exciting Sandy!
Hoping we can find the materials we need to get it finished!
Ohh, I love deliveries like this one!! We will keep our ears open for people getting rid of useable building materiels, love your idea! We have done a lot of building this way! Congrats on your soon to be studio Sandy, it will be so nice to have a space all your own for you to work in!
Thanks for keeping your ears open Eva!