As we were leaving for our Friday night “Date Night,” I pointed over to my Geraniums on the deck, and commented to Rick how amazed I was that they were still blooming in November.
“Better take a picture,” he said.
“I already did,” I replied with a smile.
I’m sure their longevity has something to do with the fact that they are under the protection of the deck roof, saving them from the harsh frosts that we have been experiencing lately.
And I’m not looking forward to the day that I finally have to bring them indoors for the winter. Truth be told, I didn’t have any luck over-wintering last year’s batch that my MIL gave me. They never recovered this spring, so I was ecstatic when she presented me with 2 new plants this year.
I’ve picked out a different location for their winter rest this year, hoping that the conditions will be ideal so that next year they will produce their beautiful colors once again.
Just on the off chance that they don’t make it, I think I’ll put in my request for additional plants early, just to be on the safe side.
One Response to “Could This be a Sign of a Mild Winter?”
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Good Idea, Mom!