Oct 162012

I’ve basically gotten over my creepy crud *knock wood* with the exception of a few coughing spells here and there.  I figure those are just hanging around because they enjoy my company.

Or not.

Before that ugly crap invaded my body, I was working on getting myself more active.  I was planning 2 – 3 things that I needed to accomplish every day so that I wouldn’t automatically sit down in front of my computer after work and veg.  And it was going really well too.  For 3 solid weeks I felt more productive and slept great.

And then Typhoid Mary came into the house and put all that hard work to a stop.  And now that I do have energy and am back to a semi-normal person (I was never completely normal, just ask my kids), I just don’t have the mojo that I did just a few short weeks ago.  And with hibernation season (aka Winter) right around the corner, I don’t want to fall back into the sit-on-my-ass-all-day-at-work-and-repeat-process-when-I-get-home routine.

So on Saturday when Rick and the guys were working on the shed, I decided to get off my duff and bake cookies.  Nothing special, just some Chocolate Chip sweetness to fill the cookie jar.  And it felt… good.  So good in fact that it gave me some inspiration to look for new recipes for something that I’ve never tried baking:  turnovers.  (I know, cookies and turnovers aren’t the same thing, but baking is baking.)

And I came upon these:

Now, I’m not a “It’s a good thing” fan, but this recipe is just to simple to pass up!  Bonus points go to the fact that you can make them ahead of time, throw them in the freezer, and bake only what you need without having to thaw them out.  Definitely my kind of baking.

I’ll let you know how they turn out.


Sep 272012

I have a confession to make.  I wasn’t completely honest in yesterday’s post.

Yes, I did go out to the farm.

Yes, I did harvest some sunflowers.

Yes, the squirrels have started the war early by pilfering some of the sunflowers.

The one thing I neglected to tell you was that I came home with other stuff too.

I know, I know, I need more tomatoes like a whole in the head.  But it was only one more flat, and they’ll be really good dehydrated.

Now the potatoes, those are something new.  I knew the farm had a big crop and I really wanted to can some this year.  And by purchasing them (for little or nothing) I was helping them out!

So instead of spending time on stringing up the sunflowers, I canned 13 quarts of taters.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, I can maybe try to refrain from getting any more produce from them when I go out there again this weekend for what I will from here on out refer to as “The Great Sunflower Watch”.

I just know you’re bubbling over with excitement!


Sep 252012

Many years ago when Rick & I bought our first house, I was able to have a real garden of my own.  It had perfect soil and I could grow whatever my little heart desired.

One thing that I had always wanted to grow was my own herbs.  I hated the fact that the stuff I bought in stores tasted slightly more than nothing, and the color always seemed to be “off.”  I wanted to be able to flavor my dishes with something more than salt, pepper and Lawry’s.

The only problem was, I needed a way to dry them.  I knew I could put them in the oven or hang them, but neither idea appealed to me.  So for Christmas one year my Mom bought me a Ronco Food Dehydrator.  The.  Best.  Present.  Ever.

Not only could I dry my oregano, chives and countless other herbs, but I could also make fresh apple and banana chips for the kids!  Heck, if I was really ambitious I could make jerky (although I’ve never been that ambitious… ever).

That silly electrical piece of plastic was another notch in my belt in food preservation.  And I worked the heck out of it!  Until we moved to the Northwoods where it remained in storage for years due to the worst soil conditions on the planet.

This year I decided to dust it off and put it to use for something I’ve never made in my life.

Dehydrated tomatoes.  I had seen a friend of mine post about doing this and thought “Why not? ”  After canning 80 pounds of the stuff, I was starting to get a little burnt out with all the prep-work.  Dehydrating them was less time consuming, and I wouldn’t be letting anything go to waste.

And the verdict?  Yummers!  What a flavor-packed piece of wonderfulness!  When Nichole tried some this past weekend she was really surprised at how great they tasted, and she came up with a fantastic idea for a new food product:  Chocolate covered tomatoes.

Because, naturally, everything is better with chocolate.


Aug 232012

On a brighter note, it appears that our sunflowers are doing just fine.

They’re showing their bright shiny faces to the world.

And the bees are doing their part with the pollinating.

Of course, you have a few that are a little shy at first.

But they gradually come out of their shell.

Now if the critters that frequent the farm can keep their paws off these plants, I might just have a bountiful harvest of bird seed for the winter.

And to that bear that got to our popcorn:  I hope you got a tummy ache!