Rick and I always seem to come up with various items that we could use but are not generally easy to find at the local store.
But it has become quiet evident that Rick’s Mom has a unique talent for locating these items.
The most recent confirmation of this happened last weekend when his folks came up to help us with Sugarbush.
Flashback to the beginning.
It started a few weeks ago when they were visiting and we were sitting down to supper. Rick made them some tea to drink and I’m not sure how this came about, but I had made mention that we had wanted to make sun tea last summer, but the only containers that I could find for this were plastic. (You do know what happens to plastic when it is out in the blazing sun for long periods of time with liquid in them, right? The chemicals in the plastic leach into the liquid… yuck!!)
This was just a casual conversation, no deep dialogue went into it and I didn’t think twice about it. Actually, I forgot about it.
Until one day Rick comes home and tells me that his Mom found us a glass sun tea container.
She said that they stopped at, oh, I don’t remember how many second hand and antique stores…6?… 7?… 10?… and finally found it at a Goodwill Store.
I asked her why she went to all that trouble, and she responded “It was fun. What else do we have to do?”
She cracks me up!!
As I said, this isn’t the first time this has happened.
Previous finds have been (these were on separate occasions):
- Large metal washtubs that could be used to parch wild rice;
- Old restaurant chairs that could be ripped apart and cut down to be used as a holder for the metal washtubs.
I really have to be careful what I say around this woman.
I may end up with that horse I always wanted as a child!*
* Just kidding Georgia…we don’t have room for the horse.
4 Responses to “Ask And You Shall Receive”
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Oh, now a horsey would be hilarious!!!! haha
Wouldn’t it? LOL
Sweet! Ya know, I’ve seen them around before, and never thought twice about it! Ones just like that, glass and all. Grandma’s good at finding stuff
Can’t wait to use it!