Aug 312011

I feel so bad, truly I do.

I mean, I’ve been mentioning the Wedding of the Century for so long, and here we are 4 days after the event and I haven’t posted any pictures for you.

Let me explain.  I took over 450 pictures last weekend, and I’ve only managed to salvage a handful that are even worthy to post anywhere, most importantly here for all of you.

So I thought that I would let you know that I haven’t forgotten and let you see proof that indeed, my oldest daughter got married on Saturday, and she looked amazing!

Actually, they both look wonderful!

I may have shed a tear that day.  Maybe.

I promise that I will hunker down to editing the pics and get them up as soon as possible, but it may be a few days because literally overnight, it has become ricing season here in the Northwoods.

This is a very special time in the area, and Rick & I only have a small window to get out there and collect (which also involves parching and thrashing the rice afterward).  It’s a lot of hard work, but as my kids will tell you, it’s gooooood!!

Oh, and Rick wants to try and go to the North Shore this weekend with the camper.

Things will slow down this winter, right?

  3 Responses to “A Sneak Peek”

Comments (3)
  1. Yes, she looked beautiful! I think I only got a few good pictures as well 🙂

  2. All I can see is teeth! LOL nice smiles on those two.

  3. Thank you Colie and Dad! From smiling all day, now I’m gonna get wrinkles by my eyes! 😉 But seriously, thank you guys so much for coming!!! (even the Pooter) <3

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