Feb 202012

Cabin fever is right on schedule.

We’ve gone past the midway point in February and the temps in the Northwoods have been downright balmy.  4 months ago when the temps were in the upper 30s to low 40s, I was freezing my tuckus off.  But now?  Heck, I’ll walk outside without a coat and soak up those delicious rays of sun!

But don’t you even think that I wouldn’t want 80 degree weather right now… because I do.  Desperately.

I want to tie back my hair, throw on some shorts & T-Shirt and a pair of gloves and head out into the garden.

So what kicked my green thumb out of it’s slumber?  Cat food cans.  Yep, you read that right.  Calie goes through those little cans like there is not tomorrow (which is a good thing) and I’m getting sick of throwing them in the trash.  And Saturday I did a huge head slap.  Save the little suckers and use them to start seeds for the garden.

Huge Duh factor.

And along with that little revelation came the planning of my garden that will happen in 3 short (YAY!) months.  But just when I thought that I didn’t have another bright idea in my mind, another thought hit me:  canning.

I had resolved a couple months ago that I would can more than I did last year.  Why?  Cheaper and better.

And because I know how.  And I have all the necessary equipment.  And my Mama would be very proud of me.

So I went onto my computer and went to the one place where I knew I could get Organic seeds at a great price:  Seed Savers.

Just look at the nummy things they have to offer:

Russian Pickling Cucumbers that will be fabulous for canning more of my Mom’s dill pickles.  I’m even going to try relish this year *high five* .

These Taiyo Sunflowers grow 5′ – 6′ tall and have 10″ – 12″ heads!  If I can find the right spot for these babies, I won’t have to shell out so much money for bird seed next year.

Please excuse me while I drool over these John Bear tomatoes.  Wow.

So after I ordered my new catalog, I hopped on over to the FreeCycle website for our county and posted a need for canning jars.  Any size or shape.

Yep, I’ve got the gardening fever pretty bad.

Which is better than the fever I was running last week that came with my cold.  That one, my friends, has been kicked out of the house along with my cold to search for a new home far from here.


  4 Responses to “I’ve Swapped One Fever for Two Others”

Comments (4)
  1. Glad you’re feeling better, and this is a better fever 🙂

  2. Great idea to use Pooter’s empty food cans! They’re the perfect size! And, er, um, yes please…more Grandma pickles! 🙂

  3. But lasts much longer 😉

  4. Glad you liked them!

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