Jun 082011

Today Rick & I celebrate our 20th anniversary.  We’ve already done the presents, but I wanted to tell him just a few of the reasons why I love him so much.

  • You gave me the choice of an engagement ring or leather coat.  (Guess which one I chose.)
  • You asked my Dad for permission to marry me.
  • You know I’m a freeze baby and will gladly roast in 90 degree heat just so I am “comfortable.”
  • You make sure that I receive respect from others.
  • When I say “kiss my ass” you literally do so.
  • When I have bad breath, you let me know it.
  • You willingly clean up cat puke.
  • You think I’m beautiful when I wake up in the morning.
  • You will feed Calie just so I can sleep in.
  • You closed your store just to be home with me when I had my teeth pulled to make sure I was OK.
  • You ask me if I want a PB&J at 10 PM.
  • You really want to know how my day went.
  • You value my opinion.
  • You will pull over to the side of the road so I can take pictures of eagles, buffalo, etc.
  • You’re not afraid to buy “person items” for me.
  • You think it’s great when I get time off of work.
  • You will eat whatever I cook even though it may not be very good.
  • You will tell me not to make lasagna more than once a year because that is your limit.
  • You worry about me more than you should.
  • You adopted my girls and became the best father they could ever have.

I could never imagine loving someone as much as I do you.

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!

  5 Responses to “20 Years, 20 Reasons”

Comments (5)
  1. Hello Baby,

    I got 20 reasons also. 20 years of waking up with you in my life.
    Everyday is a day worth “it” because you have been there to give meaning
    and purpose to my existence. We make the perfect team. Thanks
    Darling, and looking forward to the next 20 years!

    Your Hubby,


  2. Awww, shucks, honey *sniffle*, you truly are the best!

  3. Happy Anniversary you two! I hope you guys had a great day! Love you much!

  4. Thanks Nichole, we had a great evening.

  5. You guys are just the perfect couple- Happy anniversary and many more!! And I have to say, these are some of the neatest, most special reasons ( and some of the most candidly craziest) to love another human being! Love to ya both!

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