Jul 252012
I have GOT to get one of these!
The music makes the video extra special.
Actually, I could see the yard dotted with them. It would bring me smiles all winter long.
So Rick, will you build me one or six? Please? Pretty please??
6 Responses to “I WANT!! I WANT!!”
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Bwahaha! I almost fell off my chair lol
You’re Dad is going to build me some! Can’t wait!!
You were not kidding about having to have some of these……hours of endless entertainment and laughs!! Im gonna hit Roy up too, he will get an evil kick out of this one! Where do you find this stuff, its GREAT!!
Found it on Facebook of all places! We need all the laughs we can during the winter
I am so making one of those! Daisy dog is going to go crazy watching the squirrels on that thing! Do you think that’s a tennis ball before the corn?
I’m not sure Roxy, will have to try and get a closer look at it.